Child showing her finished drawing
Image: Liliana Drew: pexels




Have you ever wondered what to do with those precious paintings and drawings your children bring home from school? Is there a special piece of work that deserves more than just being stuck to the fridge or taped to a kitchen cupboard door?

Some mum’s rightly love surrounding themselves with their children’s art, craft and drawings. Displaying the kid’s work both acknowledges and applauds their creativity. It also often looks good in the home, especially when they’ve reached “A” level and are probably considering studying fine art or a design discipline.

Framing your children’s creations sends a positive message of encouragement to your little Van Gogh.  It marks their work out as being particularly extraordinary and worthy of this special attention, but drawing and creating provides so many benefits in itself. Creativity is an important part of a child’s development. It’s a critical form of communication when they haven’t yet fully developed verbal skills. When drawing there are so many decisions to be made, which paints to use, or should it be crayons, how do I draw this and what colour should be, is it too big or too small. Already they’re starting to make decisions and solve problems. Hand/eye coordination and dexterity develop. Creating in school or nursery teaches sharing and consideration. Creativity allows your child’s imagination to run free and explore, developing an open mind and emotional intelligence.

Child drawing a rainbow
Image: Vlada Karpovich: pexels

Framing their work demonstrates your pleasure which is so motivating for the child inspiring them to create again. Involve them in the framing process. Use a framer who will work at their level of understanding and will consider their preferences and opinions. Mastering creative skills and seeing projects through to completion, even at a young age develops self- belief, confidence and perseverance, building resilience for their futures.

Child's drawing of a dog
Child's drawing of a dog using glitter & buttons for eyes
Child's drawing of a cat
"Confetti" mouldings by Larson Juhl
Image: Larson Juhl

Kids love colour and interesting combinations of colour!!! There are some great coloured mouldings just crying out to be selected for kids work. One of my favourites is “Confetti” by Larson Juhl available in a huge range of brights, pastels and a few good old faithfuls.  But then we might all be surprised by a sophisticated decision made by your little artist.

One really important element of framing for children, particularly if the work is to be hung in their own space, is glazing; more particularly if they happen to be exuberant little individuals. Ask us about acrylic glazing; it’s light weight and shatterproof, hugely reassuring to know that if disaster happens the kids are reasonably safe.

If we can help you display and preserve that special piece of work just give Bev a call on 01303 268618 or 07833 350815.

You never know, you might have the next budding Tracey Emin in your family.